Many of our adventurers begin without us knowing when or where. Take today for example. Cutest had a doctor’s appointment, [no worries, just a follow up to de-cataracting that allows her to see me even better :) ] in Merriam.
After another great breakfast at Billie's Grocery, we arrived early at her doctor at 75th and Antioch. We briefly discussed how to kill 30 minutes. Off to our left, hidden by a grove of leafy trees, was (is) a cemetery. In seconds we found ourselves walking among the graves and tombstones, observing names and dates.
It turns out Antioch Pioneer Cemetery, today often passed by but less frequently entered, was established before 1850, where many Quakers from the time were buried. Cutest said that she thought no new burials can be permitted unless you have proof of site ownership. But she didn’t call to find out for sure, not planning to end up (soon) in this pretty pocket cemetery. (Additional research shows that it remains open for new interments, as they put it. Yes, fact checking has value.)
Like most cemeteries, this one is quite peaceful, even as traffic scurries nearby. Mature trees, flowers and fresh mowed grass give this cemetery a calm vibe. Something a bit different about this cemetary were the many plantings, obviously done by those lwho missed them, of peonies, iris, tulips, and small flowering bushes rather than only plastic rememberances. A light mist falling from low gray clouds added to the atmosphere.
Tombstones were as you would expect. Some so weather-worn that time had almost scrubbed away the deceased’s information. Greenish brown moss further camouflaged the carved inscriptions. Others were of newer design, especially one that had a sculpted life sized swan on its peak.
Very soon our quiet time came to a close as Cutest’s appointment was waiting. With Memorial Day only a few calendar days away, many will visit friends' and family members’ final resting places. Even if you have no kin or friend buried locally, if you would like moments for reflection and peace, you might want to take the time to visit a nearby cemetery. Not to be morbid, but it might be a nice place to visit while you’re alive and kicking.