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Cute here. And no, our fair city is not joining the infamous ranks of catastrophic fires that left mounds of ash in Chicago (did that cow really start it?) or San Francisco (yes, an earthquake did start that one).

Ok, back on subject. While attending an artist’s reception in our condo’s "Grand Room," we met a most remarkable couple. These twenty somethings had this artsy vibe haloing around them. So Cutest, like a moth being drawn to a flame (later you will understand why I am laughing at that phrase) engages them in conversation.

Before you could strike a match, we were driving over to 20th and Main, once the location of Bob Jones discount shoe store. There in the parking lot we found the couple Cutest had recently spoken with.

But this was no ordinary couple. These fine folks were learning the art of fire performance dancing. ZOWY!  

In a large lighted circle, men and women tossed and spun fire lit batons and ladies wore flaming candelabras (Liberace would have been jealous) atop their heads. For me, the show stopper was a fire breathing woman who shot four foot roaring flames from her mouth. Holy fire engine Bat Man!

Too soon, the performers were taking down their tents and heading home, or where ever people like this go for the night. Cutest and I will attend the June First Friday and check in on the health of our new found friends. Yes, KC is once again a hot town. 

And a definite shout out to artist Adrienne Egger, now at the Habitat Contemporary Gallery, located within the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center.  Check her out!

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The Cutest Couple Ever

You could email us at TheBetterHalf@TheCutestCoupleEver (yes, add the .com). Please remember, tho, we said we're doing this for fun

(unless you have a good idea for us).  

©2023 by The Cutest Couple Ever. 

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