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Even with a little breeze, Belize serenity: bar, drink, beach.

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Needed? No.  Wanted? Yes.  Usually? Pretty much.

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If not Belize, there's always Florida.  Ignore the politics.

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Oh, yeah.  @EnzoKC --  far better than this looks!

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;We'll be able to bid on this and 39 others come August of 2023.

Oh, did you hear?  The NFL Draft is here April 27 - 29, 2023.  Who knew?

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Springtime beauty -- Kauffman gardens in the Plaza.

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Yes, we liked Enzo's.

Yes, we liked Enzo's.

The Cutest Couple Ever

You could email us at TheBetterHalf@TheCutestCoupleEver (yes, add the .com). Please remember, tho, we said we're doing this for fun

(unless you have a good idea for us).  

©2023 by The Cutest Couple Ever. 

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